Friday, March 23, 2007

Now this is a great idea for those that drink and drive. I am sure that this does not apply to any Vipassana mediators, but good to pass on to our friends that we want to make it home safely. If they have to drink make sure they have a sober driver.

Mumbai Traffic Police: Blood Coasters

"The coasters were printed using a special invisible red ink, which spreads only when moistened. The Mumbai Traffic Police placed at tables and bar counters in Mumbai's prominent bars. When a customer places their moist glass of alcohol on it, the red ink starts spreading and the face starts to bleed."

I think that this would be a good idea for U.S. and other countries to follow, but don't think that it will catch on as bar owners want folks to drink their money away. But again the drinkers can't spend money in the bars if they are in the hospital or in worse condition.

Peace, Gregor


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