Slow that is the word for the day. Day 3 of our journey and it has taken 15+ minutes for the site to show up.
We had a great trip here. Got to chek our bads all the way to Delhi. Trip was long and tiring, I got a little frustrated at times, as when we had to deplane in Hong Kong and them stand line for 45 minutes going thru security again. Not that I minded, but when we deplaned they put us on a shuttle and sent us to a gate that was closed for two hours, we were already thru security and an agent was going to show up 1/2 hour befor flight. But as we had no boarding passes and everbody else had one we had to wander around till we found air plane security, who go us to the waiting line. Like I said after 45 minutes we got our boarding passes and then had to wait 90 minutes for the secirity to show up. to let us back to the gate that we had previously beem at, found out later if we had JUST waited a flight attendeent would have gotten us a boarding pass.
Flight food was surprising good, Marley went strict veg, I chose to wait til we got here to start.
When we deboarded the flight I told my son we had to wait at this baggage pick up to get our bags.WRONG our baggage picjup was on the other side of the baggasge pickup. Marley's bag showed up with no prtoblem,BUT me I had wrapped a colored belt(I thought) on the bad and and ir did not show up, then they put the end of baggage sign up and there it was the last bag off the plane.
Part of the problem was when packing, I started to change the combo on my lock and a crisis came up. I dealt with that finished packing, triple checked everthing, pit the lock on the bag, only to discover that the new combo did not work nor did the old combo. I had a spare lock, so when we got to the airport, we had the baggage claim area open it and I put the lock with the correct combo on it. Of course packed inside it was the color strap.
The airport pickup went fint, real gentelman to us to our pre paid hotels with breakfast included the next morning. We sleep some then hired a car to get us to the optical shop where I got 2 pairs of glasses, one clear for driving and the other photochromatic (color changing) for the day.
My son got a pair of regular glasses and a years supply of contact lens.
The it was off to buy an converter to charge the laptop and the cell phones, got the standard 3 plug outlet, but the hotel was set up fot two plug, so the went and got a 3 plug adapter for our converter. So the lap top is charged and the cell phones work just fine at $1.99 USD per minute. But we have them with us at all times as long as there is a siginal, with tri-band, we are set.
Like I say just been getting over jet lag and resting, streets crowed and horns apleanty. I got a cane that has a serin built in to add to the general confusion, the cane also has a built in light, so I can see in the dark, where I am walking.
Just a quick note to let you all know that we made it, am posting this blog link to
India Mike so all can follow a couple of newbie's adventerures and misadventures on this this.
Tomorrow will start using my camera to give a little more local flavor.
Till then my friend, peace, gregor and marley sage
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